Picture on bottom left ~ San Giorgio Castle, Mantua.
Picture on top right ~ Façade of Palazzo Ducale.
The Palazzo Ducale di Mantova ("Ducal Palace") is a group of buildings in the Italian city of Mantua (Lombardy), built between the 14th and the 17th century mainly by the noble family of Gonzaga as their royal residence in the capital of their Duchy. The buildings are connected by corridors and galleries and are enriched by inner courts and wide gardens. The complex includes some 500 rooms and occupies an area of c. 34,000 m². Although most famous for Mantegna's frescos in the Camera degli Sposi (Wedding Room), they have many other very significant architectural and painted elements.
Mantua is a beautiful little town with many "treasures". Museums, palaces, a beautiful park, unique landscapes (it lies on a sort of island on the river Mincio) .
According to Matteo, Mantova (Mantua) include in UNESCO list in July 2008.

The postcard was send by Matteo in envelope. Thank you so much for such wonderful stamps.
The Palazzo Ducale di Mantova ("Ducal Palace") is a group of buildings in the Italian city of Mantua (Lombardy), built between the 14th and the 17th century mainly by the noble family of Gonzaga as their royal residence in the capital of their Duchy. The buildings are connected by corridors and galleries and are enriched by inner courts and wide gardens. The complex includes some 500 rooms and occupies an area of c. 34,000 m². Although most famous for Mantegna's frescos in the Camera degli Sposi (Wedding Room), they have many other very significant architectural and painted elements.
Mantua is a beautiful little town with many "treasures". Museums, palaces, a beautiful park, unique landscapes (it lies on a sort of island on the river Mincio) .
According to Matteo, Mantova (Mantua) include in UNESCO list in July 2008.
The postcard was send by Matteo in envelope. Thank you so much for such wonderful stamps.
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