Located in north-eastern France, alongside Switzerland and Germany, Alsace enjoys an ideal location in the heart of Europe. Alsace is the fourth-smallest of the 26 regions of France in land area and the smallest in metropolitan France. It is also the sixth-most densely populated region in France and third most densely populated region in metropolitan France.
The name "Alsace" derives from the Germanic Ell-sass, meaning "Seated on the Ill" a river in Alsace.
Such a picturesque place. The postcard is really inviting.
I dream of Europe :) Love the photos.
So beautiful - and I hear they have wonderful food and wine too. Wish I was there.
A legszebb hely Európában Alsace/Strasbourg/ :-) 2007-ben voltam ott és bele szerettem :-P Nagyon szép a blogod :-) Kedvet hozol a utazásra :-)
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