Der Bodensee
Unter der Bezeichnung Bodensee fasst man die drei im nördlichen Alpenvorland liegenden Gewässereinheiten Obersee, Untersee und Seerhein zusammen. Es handelt sich also um zwei selbständige Seen (Stillgewässer) und einen sie verbindenden Fluss (Fließgewässer).
Under the name Lake summarizes the three Alpine foothills in the northern waters lying Obersee units, submarine and Seerhein together. So it is two separate lakes (Still Waters) and a river connecting them (riverine).
According to postcard,
"The Lake of Constance is about 1300ft above sea level.
Total surface about 208sq.miles.
Coastline about 162 miles.
Maximum length about 40miles (Bregenz - Bodman).
Maximum width about 9 miles (Rorschach - Langenargen).
Maximum depth about 830 ft."
The Seespiegelschwankungen of Lake Constance, which - as everyone knows, the lake can observe an extended period of time - in the course of a year varies greatly: In February, the lowest water level, because a large portion of the water as snow in the Alps is bound. In the spring the lake will rise quickly, because the snow melts in the Alps. It is usually in June / July reached the maximum. Significant fluctuations is also the annual average height of the lake. Obvious is that with the level of the lake area also varies: the higher the water, the greater the lake.
The postcard send from Klaus (one of the post crosser).
Thank you so much.
But unfortunately, one of the corner of the postcard torn off during transmit :(
I'm so sad about it.
Unter der Bezeichnung Bodensee fasst man die drei im nördlichen Alpenvorland liegenden Gewässereinheiten Obersee, Untersee und Seerhein zusammen. Es handelt sich also um zwei selbständige Seen (Stillgewässer) und einen sie verbindenden Fluss (Fließgewässer).
Under the name Lake summarizes the three Alpine foothills in the northern waters lying Obersee units, submarine and Seerhein together. So it is two separate lakes (Still Waters) and a river connecting them (riverine).
According to postcard,
"The Lake of Constance is about 1300ft above sea level.
Total surface about 208sq.miles.
Coastline about 162 miles.
Maximum length about 40miles (Bregenz - Bodman).
Maximum width about 9 miles (Rorschach - Langenargen).
Maximum depth about 830 ft."
The Seespiegelschwankungen of Lake Constance, which - as everyone knows, the lake can observe an extended period of time - in the course of a year varies greatly: In February, the lowest water level, because a large portion of the water as snow in the Alps is bound. In the spring the lake will rise quickly, because the snow melts in the Alps. It is usually in June / July reached the maximum. Significant fluctuations is also the annual average height of the lake. Obvious is that with the level of the lake area also varies: the higher the water, the greater the lake.
The postcard send from Klaus (one of the post crosser).
Thank you so much.
But unfortunately, one of the corner of the postcard torn off during transmit :(
I'm so sad about it.
Oh no! I hope my card arrives soon and undamaged.
Nice Blog!
You are welcome to mine:
Alexander (St.Petersburg)
See means both lake and sea in German~~
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